Breast Cancer Awareness ReadyBrush


In an effort to create an awareness of the rising number of women afflicted with breast cancer and to help support those organizations involved in research for prevention and cure of this much “too popular” disease, we have created our Breast Cancer Awareness ReadyBrush®.

A portion of the net profits will be donated to the Susan G. Komen organization

We have designed a premium, value added prepasted toothbrush for the cause. Each brush contains 47 tufts.  Each tuft is made using only the finest, soft, end-rounded nylon bristles with a color coordinated stripe down the center to match the attractive pink handle. A symbolic gold foil ribbon is imprinted on each handle. Our special patented process will activate the refreshing mint toothpaste by just wetting the bristles.

The Breast Cancer Awareness ReadyBrush® is available year-round so that awareness and support continue until a cure for breast cancer is found.
Show you support by featuring this special brush in your daily business and especially during Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Mother’s Day!
We at GMZ will continue to support and create awareness in the fight against Breast Cancer with donations tied to the sale of this product.

Each item comes with 1440 Breast Cancer Awareness ReadyBrushes


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